Quality assurance office

A brief overview of the Quality assurance office

The Office of Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation at the university was established upon the General People’s Committee Resolution No. (22) of 2006 regarding the organizational framework of universities. The Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation program was activated in 2012, and the office starts to spread the culture of comprehensive quality through periodically organizing workshops, seminars and meetings related to the quality assurance and performance evaluation program and presenting them to all parties related to the university.

On the other hand, the Quality Assurance Office seeks, through selected quality departments in all university institutions, to implement a comprehensive strategic plan with specific goals and programs. It is the method through which the educational institution can lead the solution of its outcomes towards distinction and creativity.

Vision, Mission, and Objectives

The Quality Assurance Office seeks to achieve scientific leadership specialized in academic development by adopting quality and distinction standards and applying them within all institutions university.

Continuous improvement and development of the quality of inputs, outputs, and the university’s work system through the application of an integrated system for evaluation, supervision, follow-up, and support of the academic and administrative work system in accordance with the university’s vision, mission, and goals, to meet the requirements of the approved quality standards, and work to gain community confidence in the university’s teaching and administrative staff and their outputs.

  • icon Working to apply national and international quality standards to ensure quality performance in all administrative and academic units both in form and content that is consistent with the vision, mission and goals of the university.
  • icon Spreading and enhancing the culture of quality and accreditation at the university by holding workshops and training courses related to quality assurance and performance evaluation programs for all parties related to the university.
  • icon Continuous work to develop and improve the quality of the educational and research process by proposing plans and programs that raise the level of work in all university institutions to obtain highly efficient outputs that have the ability to contribute to the implementation and achievement of programs sustainable development of society.
  • icon Organizing visits for experts and technicians in the field of quality to follow up and evaluate the level of performance in all university institutions, and working on an extended cooperation and exchange of experiences between the university and other higher education institutions through participation in local and international conferences and seminars related to quality programs and performance evaluation.

Plan 2018

First: Strategic Planning

  • icon Follow up and prepare the investigation to achieve the goals and mission of the university.

  • icon Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of academic and administrative programs at the university level.

  • icon Follow up the implementation of the prepared strategic plan.

Second: Follow up admission and registration procedures

  • icon Preparing and documenting admission and registration procedures for students.

  • icon Preparing forms at the university to standardize and number them in the colleges.

  • icon Preparing study cards in university colleges to be distributed to all students.

Third: Teaching staff members

    icon Follow up the faculty members’ coverage of educational process requirements.

  • icon Follow up the mechanism for selecting faculty members in the departments.

  • icon Providing a comprehensive file of the faculty member in each academic department in the college.

  • icon Preparing a study plan showing the distribution of courses for the months of the year by the subject instructor.

  • icon Collect and save questions for each course in the departments.

  • icon To what extent do faculty members participate in academic activities in each department.

Fourth: Developing the quality of academic programs

  • icon Follow up the implementation of academic programs to ensure comprehensive quality standards by following up college reports.

  • icon Evaluating and following up quality procedures and their application in colleges through field visits.

  • icon Follow up and evaluate exams and analyze their results in colleges through the following:

  •      1. Colleges’ quality performance based on quality standards.

  •      2. The role and importance of achieving the department’s mission and following it up with the colleges.

  •      3. Achieving quality education outputs and implementing them with colleges.

  •      4. Connection with college deans to implement and monitor academic programs and their quality.

  •      5. Develop a clear plan for the link between departmental objectives and the output of subject teaching and their implementation in colleges.

Fifth: Documenting and recording quality procedures

  • icon Preparing, creating and activating quality procedures at the university.

  • icon Collecting and documenting evidence of the academic and administrative programs carried out by the colleges and keeping them.

  • icon Preparing and publishing a quality guide at the university and colleges.

To view the office's activities, you can download the report via this link

Click Here

Forms and Documents


Academic requirements for the course

Requirements for the academic program

Documents required for auditing

Institutional and program accreditation standards

Institutional accreditation indicators

Institutional accreditation application form

Programmatic accreditation application form

Technical license form for an institution

Technical license form for an academic program


 Do not hesitate to contact the university regarding admission and joining Elmergib University, or contact  info@elmergib.edu.ly


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