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د. عماد الدين عبدالسلام الغويل الغويل

أستاذ مساعد في قسم الهندسـة المدنية

  • عضو هيئة تدريس قار بكليـة الهندسة الخمس , قسم: الهندسـة المدنية .
  • تحصل على الدكتوراة بتاريخ 2018-09-28 من جامعة : Union Nikola Tesla بدولة Republic of Serbia في تخصص مياه وبيئة
  • التحق بالجامعة بتاريخ 2007-10-06
  • أستاذ مساعد-2012-06-14

قائمة بالمقررات الدراسية التي يقوم بتدريسها

ميكانيكا الموائع عملي (CIE360L)

ميكانيكا الموائع 2 (CIE461)

هندسة الموانئ (CIE568)

الاهتمامات البحثية


قائمة بمنشورات عضو هيئة التدريس

  1. Dissipation of Energy of Water Falling on Inclined Surfaces Using Cross Jet,(Libyan Agriculture Research Center Journal International (LARCJI),2012-05-05
  2. Management and Mitigation of Erosion Process Effects on The Protection Length of Stilling Basins by Means of a Reversed Jet Flow, The 5th Scientific Conference Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Management, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia,2016-04-23
  3. Alleviation of the scouring problem downstream of dam spillways through a reversed cross¬-jet flow dissipator,The 8th International Conference Environmental Ethics of Water Resources Management on Scour and Erosion. Oxford, UK,2016-09-12
  4. The Correlation Between Scientific Research and Technical Education and Their Role in National Development and Innovation,The 7th Scientific Conference Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Management, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia,2018-04-28
  5. Dissipation of mechanical energy over spillway through counter flow,Journal of the Croatian Association of Civil Engineers, (GRAĐEVINAR),2018-06-10
  6. Environmental Ethics of Water Resources Management,China-USA Business Review Journal, By David Publishing Company,2019-01-04
  7. Experimental Study of Drowned Hydraulic Jump Characteristics Through Different Counterflow Dimensions,3dr conference of engineering sciences and technologies, Alkhums, LibyaThe ,2020-12-01
  8. Water Ethics and Environmental sustainability,9th Scientific Conference Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Management, (PIM9) Zrenjanin, Serbia,2020-10-24
  9. Experimental Study of Drowned Hydraulic Jump Characteristics Through Different Counterflow Dimensions,3rd Conference of Engineering Sciences and Technologies, (CEST 2020), Alkhums, Libya,2020-12-01
  10. Investigation of the Perfect Hydraulic Jump in Horizontal Rectangular Channel,4th Conference of Engineering Sciences and Technologies, (CEST 2021), Zliten, Libya,2021-12-14


تقييم موقع الجامعة
زوار اليوم: 1,410
عدد الزوار: 188,730