• Mellitah Complex
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Welcome to the 1st International Conference on Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering ICCPGE 2016

Organized by: Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, Al-Mergib University


  On behalf of the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering at Al-Mergib University and the organizing committee, I am delighted to invite you to visit the city of Alkhoms, Libya to participate in the  1st International Conference on Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering (ICCPGE 2016), held from 20th to 22nd December 2016. It is the first Libyan multi-symposium conference dedicated to all aspects of Chemical, Petroleum, and Natural Gas Science and Engineering. The main objective of the conference is to provide a unique opportunity to scientists, engineers, investors, and managers from all over the world to come together and discuss the recent advances and developments in all related research fields. I am looking forward to welcoming national and international researchers to Alkhoms to witness an unforgettable scientific event and feel the fascinating atmosphere of this metropolis. I would encourage attendees to participate in all disciplines of the conference. It is a fantastic opportunity to broaden your professional network and learn how you can play a role in your research area.

Dr. Almahdi A. Alhwaige
Al-Mergib University
Chairman of the ICCPGE 2016