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Welcome to the 1st International Conference on Chemical, Petroleum, and Gas Engineering ICCPGE 2016

Organized by: Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, Al-Mergib University

Plenary Speakers

Name Institution Picture
Prof. Khaled Gasem
  • CV
  • Web-page
  • Email: gasem@uwyo.edu
  • University of
    Wyoming, USA
    Prof. Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan
  • CV
  • Web-page
  • Email:aldahhanm@mst.edu
  • Missouri University
    of Science and Technology, USA
    Prof. Muataz Ali Hussien
  • CV
  • Email: mhussien@qf.org.qa
  • Qatar Environment
    And Energy Research
    Institute, Qatar
    Prof. Mohamed Masud Amer
  • CV
  • Email:dr_amert@yahoo.com
  • University of
    Prof. Ali A. Elbasir
  • CV
  • Email:aelbasir@hotmail.com
  • University of
    Dr. Fawzi O. Elshawesh
  • CV
  • Email: Felshawish@mellitahog.ly
  • Mellitah Oil
    Gas Company, Libya
    Mr. Ahmed Tarhouni
  • CV
  • Email: aeltarhoni@mellitahog.ly
  • Mellitah Oil &
    Gas Company, Libya