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د. عبدالغني محمد رمضان مصباح

استاد في قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية

  • عضو هيئة تدريس قار بكليـة الهندسة القره بولي , قسم: الهندسة الميكانيكية .
  • تحصل على الدكتوراة بتاريخ 2006-11-17 من جامعة : الشرق الأوسط بدولة تركيا في تخصص حراريات وموائع
  • التحق بالجامعة بتاريخ 2002-02-01
  • استاد-2018-10-07

قائمة بالمقررات الدراسية التي يقوم بتدريسها

تدفيئة وتكييف وتبريد 1 (ME521)

محطات توليد قدرة (ME541)

تدفيئة وتكييف وتبريد 2 (ME522)

تهوية وتكييف (AR466)

آلات موائع (ME441)

الاهتمامات البحثية


قائمة بمنشورات عضو هيئة التدريس

  1. Maintenance and Operation of an Experimental Solar Pond ,Solar and Renewable Energies Syposium, 25-26 May (1999), Brak-Libya.,
  2. Experimental and Numerical Investigationof Laminar Filmwise Condensation of Pure Vapor on Tier of Tubes at different Inclination Angles,First Conference and Exhibition on Renewable Energies and Water Desalination Technologies, 11-13 March (2008), Tripoli - Libya,
  3. Design Methodology for a Salt Gradient Solar Pond Coupled with an Evaporation Pond,Solar Energy Journal, 72, pp 447-454 (2002).,
  4. Maintenance Strategy for a Salt Gradient Solar Pond Coupled with an Evaporation Pond,Solar Energy Journal, 77, pp 95-104 (2004),
  5. A Comparison between Evaporation Ponds and Evaporation Surfaces as a Source of the Concentrated Salt Brine for Salt Gradient Maintenance at Tajoura’s Solar Pond,Solar Energy and Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No.1, Solar Energy Research Center, June (2013), Tripoli – Libya,
  6. Experiments on Condensation over In-line and Staggered Condenser Tubes in the Presence of a Non-Condensable Gas,American Institute of Physics (AIP), Conference proceedings, Vol. 1569, pp 394-397, (2013), Melville, NewYork, USA,
  7. Film Condensation of Steam Flowing Downward on a Tier of Horizontal Cylinders at Different Inclinations Angles in the Presence of a Non-Condensable Gas,American Institute of Physics (AIP), Conference proceedings, Vol. 1569, pp 398-401, (2013), Melville, NewYork, USA,
  8. Film Condensation of Steam Flowing Downward on a Horizontal Cylinder at Different Inclinations Angles in the Presence of a Non-Condensable Gas,44th International October Conference, pp 575-580, October 1-3 (2012), Bor - Serbia,
  9. Potential for Hot Water in the Hotel Sector in Libya,The Sixth International Renewable Energy Congress, IREC, March 24-26 (2015), Sousse, Tunisia,
  10. Surge Tank Design Considerations for Controlling Water Hammer Effects at Hydro-Electric Power Plants,Zawia University Bulletin, Issue No. 15, Vol. 3 (2013), Zawia – Libya,
  11. Simulation Study of the Thermal Performance of MSF Desalination Unit Operating by Solar Vacuum Tube Collectors,Power and Energy Systems and Applications (PESA), Nov. 12-14 (2012), Las Vegas, USA,
  12. Theoretical Study for a Solar Powered Desalination Unit using Humidifcation –Dehumidifcation Technique,Solar Energy and Sustainable Development, Volume (6), N o (2), Dec. 2017,
  13. Zero Energy and Low Water Schools: Case Study-Building of Garaboulli Engineering Faculty- Libya,First Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology, CEST 2018, 25-27 Sep. 2018, Garaboulli-Libya,
  14. Design Methodology for Supply Water Distribution Network; Case Study: Al-Hadeka District, Garaboulli-Libya,First Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology, CEST 2018, 25-27 Sep. 2018, Garaboulli-Libya,
  15. Review on Solar Ponds in Libya,Solar Energy and Sustainable Development, CSERS, Special Issue, Sep. 2018.,
  16. Review on Solar Thermal Desalination in Libya,Solar Energy and Sustainable Development, CSERS, Special Issue, Sep. 2018,
  17. Comparison between Surge Tanks used for Water Hammer Problem Protection in Hydropower Plants, (in Arabic),Journal of Applied Sciences, Sebratha University, Volume (1), Sep. 2018,
  18. Analysis of an Orifice Surge Tank for Controlling Water Hammer Problem at Hydropower Plants,International Science and Technology Journal, ISTJ, Volume (16), Jan. 2019,
  19. Theoretical Study for an Adsorption Refrigerator,Solar Energy and Sustainable Development, CSERS, Volume (8), No.1, Jun. 2019,
  20. Experimental Study for a Solar Powered Desalination Unit using Humidification-Dehumidification Technique,2nd Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology ( CEST02), 29-31 October 2019, Sabratha- Libya,
  21. Solar Air-Heated Humidification Dehumidification Desalination Unit,Solar Energy and Sustainable Development, CSERS, Volume (9), No. 1, Jun. 2020,
  22. Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Performance of a Solar Air Heater,Solar Energy and Sustainable Development, CSERS, Volume (9), No. 2, Dec. 2020,
  23. Technical Report on Solar Ponds Project in Libya ,Center for Solar Energy Research and Studies, Tajoura-Libya, May 2020,


تقييم موقع الجامعة
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عدد الزوار: 188,734